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Spirituality And Anxiety

              Positive Psychology for Anxiety| Bhagwad Gita And Anxiety

Spirituality calms mind and lower anxious thoughts. Spirituality may or may not be connected with Religion since religion is a specified set of beliefs and practices while spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.

Image of Man looking at Sky

Accept that whatever happens in our life is for some reason, perhaps nature wants to drive you to some other destination completely unknown to you. Ask the basic question why this happened to you only .why couldn't others be affected in the same manner as you have been? Answers are difficult to find, but not impossible. Rather, it only becomes easier when our spiritual side gets awakened.

 There is something positive about it as a whole. Perhaps God has selected you for some other role. Try to connect with him. When this spiritual connection is established, you will find that Anxiety gets automatically lowered, as the peace attained leaves no room for anxious thoughts to dwell in. So, how to enter into the world of Spiritualism?

 1. Believe in power of Belief

Repeat this four times in a day that God is with me and whatever is happening is to bring out the best in me or which suits best for me. That he will rescue you no matter how big and deep the trouble seems to be.

 2.Make prayer as a habit

Just keep a fixed time perhaps after taking bath that you would be praying every day. Sit comfortably at a calm place. Close your eyes and ask God to shower his blessings and give you the strength to face any hurdle or disappointments the entire day.

 3. Soulful Prayer

Pray when you may be feeling most vulnerable with anxiety feelings. You are overwhelmed and cannot find any solution to your problem. You are imagining worse outcome and just wish to be saved from it. I see people crying while they pray in this scenario, and that's when it's heard the most. Prayer has to come from the innermost soul. How can anxiety remain inside when it's replaced by faith completely?

 4. Meditation 

Meditation is the most reliable way to gain peace and connection with God. Begin with basic Meditation, which involves keeping eyes closed and focusing on one's breath while inhaling and exhaling air. Anxious thoughts may pass through your mind. Acknowledge them, but then bring yourself back to awareness of your breathing. As soon as you gain comfort in the basics, focus can be shifted in traversing each body organs from top to bottom with feel of relaxing them one by one, keeping eyes closed. Meditation is beneficial, even when done a few minutes a day. The meditative practice makes us calm and helps in observing difficult situations, which in turn stops the worrying tendency.

 5. Read books

Read religious books like Bhagvad Gita, Holy Bible etc. They will help not only in calming the mind, but give you the answer to the questions which have been troubling enough to cause anxiety. When the sense of existence is understood, every other thing begins to look small. These books guide us to understand that one source of anxiety is higher attachment towards the goal. Higher attachment leads to higher expectations, which shifts the mind in living under constant fear, anxiety, and judgements. If the attachment is towards the action, then we are ready to face any result.

 Bhagavad Gita helps in calming mind




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