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Ways to build resilience

 “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again”.

― Nelson Mandela

Resilience is your ability to overcome adversity and bounce back and grow despite life’s downturns. With a good resilience in check, one can successfully adapt to changing or difficult life experiences without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs etc. Being resilient does not mean one is resistant to have stress or emotional setbacks, but it simply means you can drive through emotional pain and suffering and still come out fine.

Here are top five ways to build resilience

1. Family support
We spend most of our time living in the family, so it makes sense to say that 'we are what our family is'' we are what our family makes us to be '. One has to feel secure and loved to form healthy relations and cope up with the stressful situations. Just spending quality time as family, by listening, showing affection for each other, paves the way for making one resilient.

2. Focus on a goal
“Dream is not what I see in sleep, it is what does not let me go to sleep.”
Dream big and let the desire to achieve it come from deep within. Make it as your sole purpose in life, and you will see that to achieve it you become resilient day by day since no hardship, no struggle looks bigger than the eternal happiness one gets in attaining the dream goal.

3. Mindfulness approach
Exposure to stress is the biggest hindrance in the path of becoming resilient.
Although it leads to negative feelings such as worry, fear, sadness, and frustration, it can also prompt us to heal and develop greater resilience. One way to do so is through mindfulness practice of shifting the focus towards the six sense organs in times of stressful scenarios. In the moments of stress Concentrate on what you are seeing, the touch felt, or hear what's happening around you, smell the different aromas scattered around. All these activities helps in stopping the racing thoughts of mind that bother in events of stress and anxiety.

4. Develop emotional intelligence
 Emotional intelligence and resilience go hand in hand. An emotionally intelligent person can handle his upside downs better since their thinking and behavior guide their emotions and not vice versa. He who is self-aware and knows how to empathize and relate with others can lead a healthy life. Promoting active listening skills, respond not react, using assertive style of communication, having self awareness and positive attitude are few ways to improve one's emotional intelligence.

5. Practice gratitude
Daily gratitude practices like saying thank you, doing at least one good deed a day for others and remembering their one good deed helps to rewire our brains to be more positive and resilient. Focusing on the good happening around us and be thankful for it helps in developing better self-control and releases the feel good hormone 'Dopamine' which in turn makes us happy.


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