“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again”. ― Nelson Mandela Resilience is your ability to overcome adversity and bounce back and grow despite life’s downturns. With a good resilience in check, one can successfully adapt to changing or difficult life experiences without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs etc. Being resilient does not mean one is resistant to have stress or emotional setbacks, but it simply means you can drive through emotional pain and suffering and still come out fine. Here are top five ways to build resilience 1. Family support We spend most of our time living in the family, so it makes sense to say that 'we are what our family is'' we are what our family makes us to be '. One has to feel secure and loved to form healthy relations and cope up with the stressful situations. Just spending quality time as family, by listening, showing affection for each other, paves the way for mak...
Positive Psychology for Anxiety | Spirituality And Anxiety Gandhiji had once said: "Gita is the universal mother. Her door is open to anyone who knocks". Bhagavad Gita is a widely popular mythological story in Hindu philosophy and is a part of the great epic Mahabharatha. Gita depicts the conversation between two individuals, Lord Krishna (considered as incarnation of Bhagavan Vishnu, Narayana) and Arjuna (the Pandava prince, Nara) in the battle field (war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the cousins, for control of the kingdom of Hasthinapura) of Kurukshetra. It has 18 chapters with about 701 short poems. During the great battle between warring branches of the same family, Arjuna suddenly faces anxiety and is overwhelmed with misgivings about the justice of killing so many people, some of whom are his friends and relatives, and expresses his queries to Krishna, his charioteer—a combination bodyguard and court historian. He persuaded Arju...